Getting Started with Strive

New to Strive? We’ve pulled important resources for new users who want to get the most out of Strive’s powerful features. Check out these essential steps for getting your texting program off the ground.

Choose a phone number

As a broadcast texting tool, Strive offers 10DLCs, toll free, and short code numbers. The first step in launching your SMS program is signing up for your campaign’s phone number.

Learn which phone number is best for your organization.

Invite your team

Strive lets you create custom permission sets for your teammates via Manage Users.

Admins can access all pages in Strive. Organizers can only access the Inbox, and only member conversations they have been granted access to. View/Edit permissions for member data can also be granted or restricted.

Learn how to invite your team.

Import your data

Already have an existing list of subscribers? Quickly import a CSV of your data directly into the Strive Members list.

Learn how to import a CSV.

Compose your first flow

Flows are interactive “chat bots” that can ask questions, collect data, share links, patch calls and route conversations to members of your team.

With Strive you can test your bots directly in the flow simulator.

Learn how to build flows that drive results with these flow best practices.

Send a broadcast

Now that you have your data imported and a flow built, it’s time to broadcast! Broadcast to groups or your entire list.

With Strive you can schedule broadcasts for later, and schedule sends according to the member’s timezone, so your messages always arrive at the right time.

Create a keyword automation

With Strive you can trigger interactive text messages when a supporter sends a keyword to your campaign number.

(Example: Text VOTE to 12345 to get essential voter registration info for your state.)

Share keywords across social media, at events, or on your website. Keyword automatons are a great way to grow your list and drive action using SMS.

Check out our guide to building better keywords.

Bonus Step: Hook up Integrations

Strive offers an extensive suite of native integrations including: EveryAction, Action Network, Facebook Lead Ads, ActBlue and more. Import your data, trigger texts when supporters submit forms, and sync your member records.

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