
Build interactive flows to collect info, mobilize your members, and scale your messaging
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What are flows?
Create a flow with Bot Actions:
     ↳ Simple Message
     ↳ Collect Info
     ↳ Ask a Question
     ↳ Response Lookup
     ↳ Delays
     ↳ Patch a Call
Flow Inbox Settings

What are flows?

Flows are chatbots or interactive message sequences. Flows use natural language processing to parse through data and make your messages more conversational.

Flows can be broadcasted to members or triggered by members, using Automations.

What if a member replies to a flow with an invalid answer?

With Strive you can create a validation message if a member is not answering your question with a valid response. Learn more

Can I edit, duplicate, or delete flows?

Yes, click the Actions menu (...) next to the flow you'd like to modify to select one of these options.

Note: Editing a flow that has been broadcasted or triggered via automations can alter your Broadcast and Flow Reports data!

Clone an existing flow or create a new flow via the Actions Menu if you'd like to make updates to a flow that has been previously interacted with.
Create a flow with Bot Actions
  1. Go to the Flows page
  2. Click Add Flow
  3. Name your Flow and select Create
  4. Click Add Bot Action
  5. Select your bot action type

Note: Strive will pre-populate a TCPA compliant kick-off simple message. You can customize the message and message type for the flow you are creating. Learn how to ensure your messages are TCPA compliant

What are bot actions?

Bot actions are the steps in a flow. There are 6 types of bot actions you can use to create custom flows.

Simple Message

Simple message bot actions are non-interactive messages, meaning they are not waiting for a member’s reply. You’ll notice 2 simple messages back to back will send at the same time, this is because simple messages are non-interactive.

Send and Hold: This setting makes your simple message interactive. The bot action will wait for a member's reply before sending the next bot action in your flow. Send and hold will wait for any response from a member before moving to the next action.

The campaign used the Simple Message bot action to share their donation link. Since they are not looking for a reply, a Simple Message is the best way to share their link.
Create a Simple Message bot action
  1. Select Simple Message.
  2. Create your simple message, including dynamic fields
  3. Select if you would like your message to send and hold. If the send and hold setting is selected, the next message in your flow will hold until your member replies
  4. Select if you'd like to add or remove members from groups when they reach the bot action
  5. Click Save on the bottom of your bot action

‍Collect Info

Collect info bot actions collect data from members. By defining what type of data you're looking for, Strive will parse through members' responses and map that data to your Members List.

Check and Collect: This setting will prevent your campaign from asking for member data that you already have. If a member already has this data available, your flow will proceed to the next bot action.

Note: Collect Info bot actions can only parse for one piece of data per action. You cannot collect multiple pieces of data in a single collect info bot action at this time.

The campaign used a collect info bot action because they would like to collect and map member zip code data. By defining the data they'd like to collect, Strive will parse for and validate the zip code provided by the member.

Collecting multiple values in a single collect info step:
With collect info bot actions, campaigns have the option of collecting a member's full address or full name in a single bot action. Instead of asking for this information in a series of questions, you can ask for all of the information at once (example: What is your mailing address?). Strive will parse a member's response and map the data to the respective fields.

Full Address:
Collect and validate a member's street address, city, state, and zip code by selecting "Full Address" from the What are you collecting dropdown.

Full Name:

Create a Collect Info bot action

  1. Select Collect Info
  2. Create your Collect Info message prompt, including dynamic fields
  3. Select the data you are collecting with your message, and the field in the members list you’d like the data to map to
  4. Select if you would like your collect info message to "check & collect". Check & collect will parse your Members list for your collect info data and only send your collect info message to members who do not have this data available. If a Member already has this information populated, your flow will proceed to the next bot action
  5. Optionally, select if you'd like to add or remove members from groups when they reach the bot action
  6. Click Save on the bottom of your bot action
Tip: Use data collected in a previous message to populate dynamic fields in your next message. Include dynamic fields like first name to make steps in your flows feel personalized.

Ask a Question ‍

Ask a question bot actions can ask Yes/No or Multiple Choice questions. Ask a question bot actions can add members to groups, or reroute them to a new flow depending on the member’s response. This bot acion includes two message types:


Yes/No questions will parse member replies for affirmative responses (yes,yup, yeah, ok, sure) and negative responses (no, nah, nope, no thanks, not now). Strive's natural language processing library includes English and Spanish yes/no responses.

The campaign is using a Yes/No bot action to gauge volunteer interest. YES respondents will be routed to a new flow to connect them with local opportunities. NO respondents will be sent a successes message, giving them another option to get involved by visiting the campaign's social media page.
Multiple Choice

Multiple Choice questions will parse member replies for response options and synonyms you define. Multiple choice questions usually ask members to reply with options by letter or number (A,B,C or 1,2,3).

The campaign used a multiple choice question to ask members how they would like to get involved. Since there are 3 options the campaign will need to set up a "Response to Capture" for A (pictured) B and C, and configure if they'd like to send a "Success Message" or reroute the member to a new flow.
Create a Yes/No bot action
  1. Select Ask a Question
  2. Set your question type to Yes/No
  3. Enter your ask a question message, including dynamic fields
  4. Enter your Yes and No success messages
  5. Select if you'd like to add or remove members from groups based on if they reply Yes or No
  6. Select if you'd like a Yes and/or No response to reroute members to another flow in the Reroute to dropdown menu
  7. Select a field from the Save result in a field dropdown menu if you’d like to automatically map member responses to a field in your members list
  8. Optionally, add a validation message to your bot action. Click Advanced Options at the bottom of the bot action flow step
  9. Click Save on the bottom of your bot action
Create a Multiple Choice bot action 
  1. Select Ask a Question
  2. Set your question type to Multiple Choice
  3. Enter your multiple choice question message, including dynamic fields
  4. Enter info for each Response Option. To add another response option click +Add Response Option at the bottom of the bot action
  5. Define the Response to Capture for each response option
  6. Enter synonym(s) for each response. Click +Add after each synonym
  7. Enter your success message for each response option, including dynamic fields
  8. Select if you’d like to automatically add or remove members from groups when a member replies with a specific response option
  9. Optionally, add a validation message to your bot action. Click Advanced Options at the bottom of the bot action flow step
  10. Click Save on the bottom of your bot action

Response Lookups

Response lookup bot actions can intake thousands of member responses and reply with custom messages. Response lookup bot actions use imported CSV data. Create if/then logic for potential incoming messages and/or reroute members to other flows. Optionally, add members to groups based on their responses. Strive uses artificial intelligence to parse through responses from members. Exact matches are not needed to trigger a response.

What file types do Response Lookup bot actions accept?

At this time, we accept CSV files. If you are working out of Excel or Google Sheets, you can export your document as a CSV.

Can my replies include dynamic fields and links?

Yes! Make sure you format your links and dynamic fields the same way they are auto-formatted in the Strive compose window. To ensure formatting is correct, generate the fields and links in the compose window and copy them into your CSV.

What are repeating Response lookups?

Optionally, allow members to engage with the bot action multiple times. Enable this setting via the Advanced Options menu. We recommend including a prompt in your reply so that members know they can interact with your prompt again.

Example reply: "The nearest polling place to zip code 11111 is The Main St Library located at 123 W Main St, Townsville, CA 11111. Reply with another zip code to find a different polling place."

Where can I see all of my Response Lookup CSVs?

Click the Response Uploads button from the Flows page (above the flow table). See a complete history of the imports, replace imports, or rename them by clicking the ellipses (...) in the Action menu.

How do I map my CSV files for Response Lookup bot actions?

Click Add Response Lookup File and drop in your CSV. Strive will ask you to map the follow required fields:

  • Response to Capture: this is the column in your CSV with the incoming messages from members, like zip code. Add synonyms for responses by separating the values with a comma (Example: 60102, 60103)
  • Success Message: this is the column in your CSV with the corresponding outgoing messages you'd like Strive to send when a response is detected.

Optionally, you can reroute members to new flows and add them to groups based on their reply. Map your data to the following fields:

  • Add to group(s): this is the column in your CSV with the corresponding groups you would like to add members to based on their response. This field is not case-sensitive. Separate group values with a comma if you would like to add members to multiple groups based on response. (Example: Volunteers, Donors)
  • Reroute to flow: this column will include any reroutes, based on response. Use the flow ID value in this column. To find the flow ID, navigate to the flow in the flow builder and copy the digits after "flows/" in the URL. (Example: for the URL https://app.strivemessaging.org/campaigns/273/flows/2477 the flow ID is 2477). Note: A response to capture can only reroute members to a single flow. Your import will fail if your cell contains multiple values for this object.

Save Responses and Custom Values

Optionally, you can save the member’s response and/or custom values in the Members list. Columns of custom data are mapped in the bot action to core and custom fields in your Members list. To map a calculation based on response click Save a Custom Value, select the CSV column with your calculations from the dropdown, then select the member field you'd like to map it to.

Save multiple calculations by clicking Save Another Custom Value.

Note: The data that you’re mapping must be formatted to match the data type of your custom field (text, number, boolean, date, single select, multi-select). Learn more

Check and Collect: This setting will prevent your campaign from asking for member data that you already have. If a member already has the mapped data, the bot action will automatically trigger the Success Message and/or reroutes associated with the pre-populated response to capture.

Create a Response Lookup bot action:
  1. Select Response Lookup from the bot action menu
  2. Compose your message prompt
  3. Select your CSV or import a new one
  4. Optionally, set Check and Collect for any of the data you are collecting or saving
  5. Optionally, add a validation message via the Advanced Options menu
  6. Optionally, select if you would like the bot action to Repeat
  7. Click Save below the bot action

Note: Check and Collect cannot be enabled if Repeat is enabled for the bot action. Only one of these settings can be configured for the bot action.


Delay bot actions can delay follow-up messages by 1-7 days. Once the member reaches the preceding bot action the next message will be delayed until the delay expires.

Delays are a great way to create drip message campaigns – while keeping the members in the same flow. 

The campaign used a delay bot action to put a pause of 2 days between their first and second ask.
Delay Bot Action
  1. Select Delay from the bot actions menu
  2. Select the number of days you'd like your messages delayed. You can delay your messages 1-7 days
  3. Add another bot action under the delay bot action that you would like delayed. All messages under your delay bot action will be delayed for the number of days set in your delay

Patch a Call

Patch a call bot actions patch phone calls to Federal/State Senators and Representatives or custom targets. Patch a call bot actions can play an audio message for the caller before their call is routed.  Optionally, follow up with the member once their call is complete. 

Where do I configure call numbers for Patch a Call bot actions?

To name your call number, upload your default audio greeting, assign targets, and upload/assign custom targets, go to the Call Numbers page. Learn more.

Can I send a follow up message after the call is complete?

Yes! When building a flow, add a follow up bot action. Callers will receive the message in that bot action once their call is complete.

How do I save address data for target/caller matching in flows?

If you haven't already, create a custom field 'Street Address' in your Members list and collect this data with collect info bot actions before patching the call. Strive uses zip code and street address data to make a match among your selected targets.

How to compose an SMS call prompt:
Calls can be initiated using an SMS call prompt, where you direct your member to trigger or place a call. You can compose your SMS call prompt using one of these methods:

  • Members can trigger a call by replying “CALL”, and the selected call number will call the member. Include “Reply CALL” in your SMS prompt if you’d like for members to trigger calls.
  • Members can also call the number directly. Include your call number in the SMS prompt “Call 555-555-5555 and we’ll connect you with your Senator” so members can dial in.

Call upon arrival: If you do not want to use an SMS prompt, you can use the Call Upon Arrival setting. A call from your call number will trigger when the member reaches the bot action.

Tip: If you’re using call upon arrival, make sure your supporter is aware they will be receiving a call, by including a note in the preceding bot action.
The campaign is using the keyword "Call" to kick off their calls with supports. When a member replies "call" they will recieve an incoming call from the Broadband For All call number (selected in example).
Note: If you would like Strive to match callers with their elected officials, always include a collect info bot action before your patch a call bot action to ask for address and zip code.

The more address info you have saved in your Members list, the more accurately Strive can match your caller with their elected official.
Create a patch a Call bot action

Before you set up your Patch a Call bot action, make sure to configure your call targets.

  1. Select Patch a Call from the bot actions menu
  2. Select your call number. Your call number's targets are configured on the Call Numbers page
  3. Compose your SMS call prompt. This can be a prompt to reply CALL and Strive will call members and patch them to your selected target(s) OR you can prompt members to call your call number. Alternatively, you can select if you'd like to call the member automatically when the reach the bot action. To trigger calls upon arrival, click Advanced Settings and check the Call Upon Arrival setting
  4. Next select your custom audio welcome message. If a member is interacting with your flow this audio message will overwrite the default audio message set for the call number via the Call Number page. The audio message will play before the caller is patched through to your targets. Learn more about setting a default audio greeting
  5. Optionally, select groups you'd like to add or remove members from when they reach the bot action.
  6. Click Save on the bottom of your bot action
Tip: Test your flows in the simulator to see how they look from a member’s perspective. Learn more about testing your messages.

Flow Inbox Settings

Flow Inbox Settings will alter the default conversation routing and/or assignment behavior in the inbox for the respective flow.

By default, conversations are unassigned, marked as unresolved, and routed to the Needs Response folder when a member:

  • Completes a flow
  • Triggers a validation message and replies again with invalid data
  • DMs your campaign while not interacting with a flow
Change conversation routing behavior

By enabling Automatically Resolve Conversation When Flow is completed, member conversations will be marked as resolved and routed to the All folder of the inbox when they have finished interacting with your flow.

  1. Go to Flows and navigate to the flow you’d like to change Inbox routing behavior for.
  2. At the bottom of the flow builder select Flow Inbox Settings
  3. Check the box Automatically Resolve Conversation When Flow is completed
  4. Once enabled, members who complete your flow will be routed to the All folder and their conversation will be marked as resolved
Auto-assign member conversations

By enabling Automatically assign conversations to Organizers in the Inbox, member conversations will be assigned round-robin to organizers when the flow is completed.

Conversation auto-assignments will assign conversations round-robin to eligible organizers starting with the last organizer assigned a member conversation.

Note: Conversations will only be assigned to eligible organizers who have been granted access via Access groups. To update Access, go to Manage Users.

  1. Go to Flows and navigate to the flow you’d like to change Inbox routing behavior for
  2. At the bottom of the flow builder select Flow Inbox Settings
  3. Check the box Automatically Assign Conversations to Organizers in the Inbox
  4. Once enabled, members who complete your flow will be assigned round robin to Organizers who are assigned to the member's Access group.

Note: Only organizers can be auto-assigned conversations.

Ready to automate or broadcast your flows? Learn how to assign keywords and forms to trigger flows or blast your flows to your list!

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